Gift Cards

Package I – Gift of Relaxation – $82

Surprise the one you love with the Gift of Relaxation which includes ONE massage of choice and ONE mini facial experience. A 90 Minute Gift that your special someone will love you for.

Package II – Gift of Results – $120

Choice of 2 Results-Oriented Services

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Peel
  • Body Wrap
  • Microneedle

Package III – Customized Spa Day – $149

Choice of 3 services. Can be Results-Oriented or Relaxation. 

Customize to Needs and Desires.

Package IV – Combination Massage and Detox Wrap – $110

This effective treatment starts with a relaxing massage that breaks down toxins within the body’s tissues followed by a detoxifying body wrap that increases blood flow and encourages those toxins to be flushed from the lymphatic system. Results are a relaxed, cleaner body and up to 4 inches lost within one session! A favorite among regular clients.